
    What do meta-analyses learn about the impact of persuasive messages?


    Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Hans Hoeken am Dienstag 09.07.2019, 12.15 bis 13.45 Uhr, Raum 1.010 im ZHS.

    Der Lehrstuhl Kommunikationspsychologie und Neue Medien am MCM freut sich, Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Hoeken von der Uni Utrecht (NL) als Gast zu begrüßen.

    Prof. Hoeken wird einen Vortrag halten, und zwar am Dienstag 09.07.2019, 12.15 bis 13.45 Uhr, Raum 1.010 im ZHS.

    There is lots of research on how message design can influence the outcome of the persuasion process. In recent years, large numbers of meta-analyses have been published that systematically synthesize this research. These meta-analyses enable addressing questions such as, to what extent does changing people's attitudes and intention lead to changes in behavior? To what extent do emotions (pathos), source characteristics (ethos), and argumentation (logos) influence attitudes and intentions? And is there a magic bullet: a message variable that will always and reliably have a positive impact on the message's persuasiveness if included in the message?­
