Preparation Material for the Adult Education Academy

- UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (2010). CONFINTEA VI Sixth International Conference on Adult Education. Final Report. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg.
- Egetenmeyer, R. (Ed.), (2016). Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond. Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Würzburg Winter School. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH.
- Egetenmeyer, R., Schmidt-Lauff, S., Boffo, V. (Eds.), (2017). Adult Learning and Education in International Contexts. Forthcoming Challenges for its Professionalisation. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH.
- European Union (2011). Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning. Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Federighi P., (2013). Adult and continuing education in Europe: Using public policy to secure a growth in skills, Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union. URL:
- Griffin, C. (2009). ‘Policy and Lifelong Learning’. In. Jarvis, P. (ed.): The Routledge International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 261-271.
- Lima, L. & Guimaraes, P. (2011). European Strategies in Lifelong Learning. A Critical Introduction. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich.
- Bélanger, P., Federighi, P. (2000). Unlocking People’s Creative Forces. A Transnational Study of Adult Learning Policies. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
- Bray, M., Adamson, B., Mason, M. (Eds.), (2014). Comparative Education Research. Approaches and Methods, Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong and Dordrecht: Springer
- Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., Perl, A. (2009). Studying Public Policy. Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems. Toronto: OUP Canada.
- Federighi, P. (2013). Adult and continuing education in Europe: using public policy to secure a growth in skills. Luxembourg: Publications Office of European Union.
- Lima, L. & Guimaraes, P. (2011). European Strategies in Lifelong Learning. A Critical Introduction. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich.
- Milana, M., Holford, J. (2014). Adult education policy and the European Union: theoretical and methodological perspectives. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.
- Phillips, D., Schweisfurth, M., (2014). Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method and Practice. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Slowey, M. (Ed.), (2015). Manual of the Comparative Research in Adult Education, Opladen, Berlin and Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
- UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (2014). Collection of Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies.
- Bray, M.; Adamson, B.; Mason, M. (2014). Introduction. In Bray, M.; Adamson, B.; Mason, M. (eds.): Comparative Education Research. Approaches and Methods. Hong Kong 2nd Edition. P. 1-11
- Brock, C.; Alexiadou, N. (2013): Education around the world. A Comparative Introduction. London, New York.
- Doyle, L.; Egetenmeyer, R.; Singai, C.; Devi, U. (2016). Professionalisation as development and as regulation: Adult Education in Germany, the United Kingdom and India. In: International Review of Education. Journal of Lifelong Learning. Vol. 62. No 3. pp. 317-341. URL:
- Holford, J.; Riddel, S.; Weedon, E; Litjens, J.; Hannan, G. (2008). Patterns of Lifelong Learning. Policy & Practice in an Expanding Europe, Wien.
- Manzon, M. (2011)., Comparative Education: The Construction of a Field, Hong Kong.
- Reischmann, J.; Bron, M. (eds) (2008). Comparative Adult Education 2008. Experiences and Examples, Frankfurt.
- Saar, U.; Ure, O. B.; Holford, J. (2013) (eds.). Lifelong Learning in Europe. National Patterns and Challenges, Cheltenham: 46-81.
- Schriewer, J. 2000. Comparative Education Methdology in Transition: Towards a Science of Complexity? In: Schriewer, J. (ed.). Discourse Formation in Comparative Education. Frankfurt: 3-52.
- Slowey, M. (eds.) (forthcoming). Comparative Adult and Continuing Education. ESRALE-Manual. Florence.
- Licínio C. & Guimarães, Paula (2011). European Strategies of Lifelong Learning: A Critical Introduction. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
- Lima, Licínio C. & Guimarães, Paula (2015). Portugal: policy and adult education. In Trevor Corner (Edt.), Education in the European Union Pre- 2003 Member States. Londres: Bloomsbury, pp. 246-263.
- Lima, Licínio C.; Guimarães, Paula & Thouma, Nathalie (2016). Adult learning and education policies in Germany, Portugal and Sweden: an analysis of national reports to CONFINTEA VI. In Regina Egetenmeyer (Edt.), Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond. Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Würzburg Winter School. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, pp. 29-66.