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Faculty of Human Sciences

Search Procedures

Currently open positions

- None -


Important information for applicants

By submitting your application, you are consenting to your application documents being registered electronically, copied, stored, retained and transmitted to external experts (where applicable) as well as to your application documents not being returned to you until the position is filled.

More information for you as a data subject (German)

More information for you as a data subject (English)

Travel expense claim forms can be downloaded from the web pages of the (Service Centre Human Resources)
Important information: Travel expenses must be claimed in writing within six months of the date of travel; if you do not submit your claim form in accordance with this deadline, you will not be reimbursed for any of your costs (Art. 3 (5) Bayerisches Reisekostengesetz (Bavarian Travel Expenses Act, BayRKG)).

More information about the tenure process can be found in part III of the Regulations Relating to the Appointment and Employment of Tenure Track Staff of JMU.

List of ongoing and completed search procedures

Professur für Islamwissenschaft/Arabistik (pay grade W1) with tenure track to a professorship in pay grade W2
Applications have not opened yet. Position announcement is currently being prepared.

Professur für Jüdische Studien/Religionswissenschaft (pay grade W2)
Applications have not opened yet. Position announcement is currently being prepared.

Professur für Systematische Theologie und Gegenwartsfragen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ethik (pay grade W1) with tenure track to a professorship in pay grade W3
Applications have not opened yet. Position announcement is currently being prepared.

Professur für Internationale Beziehungen und Europaforschung (pay grade W3)
Applications have not opened yet. Position announcement is currently being prepared.

Professur für Sonderpädagogik II - Körperbehindertenpädagogik (pay grade W3)

Applications have closed (24 May 2021). Appointment recommendation has not been prepared yet.

Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (pay grade W1) with tenure track to a professorship in pay grade W2
Applications have closed (31 May 2021). Appointment recommendation has not been prepared yet.

Professur für Psychologie intelligenter interaktiver Systeme (pay grade W2)
Applications have closed. Sample lectures have been delivered. Appointment recommendation has not been prepared yet.

Professur für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (pay grade W2)
Applications have closed. Sample lectures have been delivered. Appointment recommendation has not been prepared yet.

Professur für Integrative und Experimentelle Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft (pay grade W3)
Sample lecture has been delivered. Appointment recommendation has not been prepared yet.

Professur für Forschungsmethoden und Soziale Kognition (pay grade W2)
Applications have closed. Appointment recommendation has been prepared.

Professur für Sonderpädagogik - Pädagogik bei Sehbeeinträchtigungen sowie Allgemeine Heil-, Sonder- und Inklusionspädagogik (pay grade W3)
Jun.Prof. Dr. Dino Capovilla has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2020.

Professur für Sonderpädagogik III - Sprachheilpädagogik (pay grade W3)
Dr. Carina Lüke has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 August 2020.

Juniorprofessur für Theoretische Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Phänomenologie (pay grade W1) with tenure track to an Universitätsprofessur für Theoretische Philosophie (pay grade W3)
Dr. Michela Summa has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2018.

Professur für Spezielle Soziologie und Methoden der qualitativen empirischen Sozialforschung (pay grade W2)
Prof. Dr. Elke Wagner has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2017.

Professur für Gymnasialpädagogik (pay grade W2)
Dr. Jens Dreßler has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 June 2017.

Professur für Methoden der quantitativen empirischen Sozialforschung (pay grade W3)
Dr. Christiane Gross has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 May 2017.

Professur für Medienkommunikation (pay grade W3)
Prof. Dr. Markus Appel has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 April 2017.

Professur für Grundschulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik (pay grade W3)
Prof. Dr. Sanna Pohlmann-Rother has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 March 2017.

Juniorprofessur für Mensch-Technik-Systeme (pay grade W1)

Dr. Carolin Wienrich has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 November 2016.

Professur für Psychologie IV (Pädagogische Psychologie, pay grade W3)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2016.

Professur für Sonderpädagogik IV - Pädagogik bei Geistiger Behinderung (pay grade W3)
PD Dr. Christoph Ratz has been appointed to the professorship effective 27 July 2016.

Professur für Psychologie II (pay grade W3)
Prof. Dr. Roland Deutsch has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 April 2016.

Professur für Evangelische Theologie II - Schwerpunkt Religionspädagogik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts (pay grade W3)
Prof. Dr. Ilona Nord has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2015.

Juniorprofessur für Psychologie (pay grade W1)
Dr. Anne Böckler has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 October 2015.

Professur für Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie (pay grade W2)
Dr. Tanja Bipp has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 May 2015.

Professur für Experimentelle Klinische Psychologie (pay grade W2)
Dr. Matthias Gamer has been appointed to the professorship effective 1 January 2015.

Important information for Institutes

Search procedures are initiated by the recruiting Institute. To initiate such a procedure, the Institute submits a request to the Faculty Board. The request and supporting documents should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the Faculty Board meeting (original paper copies to be submitted to the Dean and electronic copies to be emailed to berufungen.hw(at)
-> Scheduled Faculty Board meetings

The following documents must accompany the request:

  • Request for approval for the post (cf. Guidelines for Appointments - Information Sheet 1)
  • Position announcement (cf. Guidelines for Appointments - Information Sheet 4)
  • List of nominations for appointment to the search committee (cf. Guidelines for Appointments - Information Sheet 3)

Please see the Guidelines for Appointments of the University of Würzburg for the information to be included in the request for approval for the post, information on how to set up the search committee and a position announcement template.
More information: Art. 18 (4) Bayerisches Hochschulpersonalgesetz (Bavarian Act on Personnel in Higher Education, BayHSchPG), Constitution of the University of Würzburg