Qualification Programme
QP - the Faculty’s Qualification Programme

The Qualification Programme gives doctoral researchers from the disciplines covered by the Faculty the opportunity to develop additional skills.
> Contact:Dr. Andreas Rauh
The QP offers workshops that equip doctoral researchers with discipline-specific skills and skills for the workplace, provides services to them, coordinates interdisciplinary events and organises events in collaboration with its partners at JMU, e.g. the Graduate School of the Humanities (GSH). It is a great opportunity to acquire valuable generic and discipline-specific skills.
The QP usually requires a total time commitment of 16 weekly contact hours. For candidates who complete their doctorate within three years, there would thus be a time commitment of 2‑3 weekly contact hours per semester. Recommended distribution of weekly contact hours:
a) Discipline-specific skills development - 10 weekly contact hours: seminars, colloquia for doctoral researchers, workshops, organising events (e.g. guest lectures delivered by external researchers), research visits, teaching
b) Generic skills development - 6 weekly contact hours: workshops, courses that equip candidates with doctoral skills and skills for the workplace, attendance of conferences, lecture series, research visits, delivering talks
The specific activities a particular candidate will be expected to undertake as part of the QP will have to be agreed upon with his/her doctoral supervisory team (Promotionskomitee). An official routing slip will serve as evidence of completion of the programme.