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  • Picture of a woman studying (Picture:
  • A group of people smiling (Picture:
  • Mother and child smiling (Picture:
Faculty of Human Sciences

Gender Equality

The Faculty of Human Sciences is a strong advocate for gender equality. Chaired by our Women’s Representative, Prof. Dr. Carina Lüke, the Equal Opportunities Commission manages the activities we undertake to promote opportunities for female early career researchers.

The Faculty, represented by the Faculty Management and the Women's Representative, is actively committed to equal opportunities for women in science/ Academia. At the Faculty of Human Sciences, the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Faculty’s Women's Representative, Prof Dr Carina Lüke and her deputies as well as the Dean's Office employee Dr Stefanie Hoos therefore offer various services for members of the faculty.

Since 2017, JMU has been supporting members of the university who have shown outstanding commitment to promoting gender equality.
The Faculty of Human Sciences was awarded 2021 (Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler) and 2023 (HCI Mentoring Circle).

> Contact:  (Dr. Stefanie Hoos)

Women’s Representative

The Officer for Gender Equality in Academia/ Science (in short: Women's Representative) and her deputies are dedicated to all aspects of gender equality in science.

Equal Opportunities Commission

Representatives of all institutes of the faculty form the Equal Opportunities Commission together with a member of the Faculty Management. The commission is chaired by the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science/ Academia.

Policy statement

The Faculty of Human Sciences is committed to the university's equal opportunity policy statement and supports its implementation in all respects.

Two women in discussion (Picture:

Measures & funding

Female early career researchers can apply to us once a year for funding to carry out research projects or attend conferences and submit their projects for research prizes (see ‘Prizes’).

JMU fundings: SCIENTIA | Romana Schott Stipendien


A group of smiling women (Picture:

Prizes & Awards

Every year, the Faculty awards the Beatrice Edgell Prize, in memory of a pioneer of women's emancipation, and the Matilda Prize to exceptional female early career researchers for the best scientific paper.

A group of people concentrated on work (Picture:

University Women’s Representative

We work closely with the University Women's Representative (UFB) and her deputies. You can find a wide range of information and offers on the pages of the UFB office.