Deutsch Intern
  • Prof. Hasse mit einer Gruppe Studierender (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Philosophie III)
  • Tablets aus dem MEET-Labor in einer Ladestation (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Schulpädadgogik)
  • Bilder aus dem Kino- und Tonstudiolabor (Fotos: Professur für Medien- und Wirtschaftskommunikation)
  • Das Methodenlabor der Soziologie (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Methoden der Quantitativen Empirischen Sozialforschung)
Faculty of Human Sciences

Gender Equality

The Faculty of Human Sciences is a strong advocate for gender equality. Chaired by our Women’s Representative, Prof. Dr. Carina Lüke, the Equal Opportunities Commission manages the activities we undertake to promote opportunities for female early career researchers.

> Contact:  (Dr. Stefanie Hoos)

Policy statement

The university’s equal opportunity policy statement describes the measures we take to promote gender equality.


The Faculty’s Equal Opportunities Commission comprises of representatives of all groups and Institutes as well as one member of the management team. It is chaired by the Faculty’s Women’s Representative.

Measures to promote opportunities for women

Female early career researchers can receive financial assistance to cover travel expenses and conference attendance fees, funding for monodisciplinary research projects as well as awards for excellence in research (see section ‘Awards’).



The Faculty gives out the annual Beatrice Edgell Award and the Matilda-Award to female early career researchers who deliver excellent research.