Doctoral Training
A doctorate is awarded to candidates who have demonstrated their ability to independently conduct original and significant scientific or scholarly research, having independently written a doctoral thesis, adhering to the principles of good academic practice, and having passed an oral examination (colloquium or oral defence).
The Faculty of Human Sciences confers Dr. phil. degrees as well as, upon request, Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. soc., Dr. rer. pol. and Dr. Sportwiss. degrees (in selected fields only).
![[Translate to Englisch:] Bild einer Glühbirne / Quelle: Pixabay](/fileadmin/_processed_/a/1/csm_gluehbirne_9c9f5ba31c.jpg)
Please read our guidefor an overview of the process (available in German only)!
The Faculty’s structured doctoral programmes are being accompanied by a Qualification Programme (QP).
The following thesis formats are permitted: monograph and, if specific quality standards are met, publication based.
Doctoral training at the Faculty of Human Sciences is governed by the 2014 doctoral regulations (last amended on 12 December 2018) in conjunction with the relevant provisions of the Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Act, BayHSchG).
To request acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you will need the following forms:
- Übersicht über den Promotionsprozess (The doctoral process: timeline)
- Zulassungsantrag, Promotionsgremium und -vereinbarung (Request for acceptance as a doctoral candidate)
- Erklärung zu § 5 Promotionsordnung (Affirmations required under Section 5 doctoral regulations)
- Merkblatt zum Antrag auf Zulassung (Information sheet: acceptance as a doctoral candidate)
- Laufzettel Qualifikationsprogramm (Evidence of successful completion of the Qualification Programme)
To request admission to the aptitude assessment for doctoral studies, you will need the following forms:
- Antrag auf Zulassung(Request for admission to the aptitude assessment for doctoral studies)
- Bestätigung der Betreuerinnen / der Betreuer(Supervisor’s confirmation)
- Erklärung § 17 Promotionsordnung(Affirmations required under Section 17 doctoral regulations)
- Eidesstattliche Erklärung(Affirmation under penalty of perjury)
- Deckblatt wissenschaftliche Arbeit(Paper title page)
- Merkblatt Eignungsprüfung(Information sheet: admission to the aptitude assessment for doctoral studies)
To request admission to the doctoral examination, you will need the following forms:
- Antrag auf Zulassung zur Doktorprüfung(Request for admission to the doctoral examination)
- Erklärung zu § 6 Promotionsordnung(Affirmations required under Section 6 doctoral regulations)
- Prüfervorschlag Kolloquium(Proposal of examiners for the colloquium)
- Bestätigung zur publikationsbasierten Dissertation(Confirmation regarding publication-based theses)
- Themenvorschläge für das Kolloquium(Proposal of topics for the colloquium)
- Erklärung zu § 9 Promotionsordnung(Affirmations required under Section 9 doctoral regulations)
- Merkblatt Antrag auf Zulassung zur Doktorprüfung(Information sheet: request for admission to the doctoral examination)
- Muster Titelblatt Dissertation(Doctoral thesis title page template)
Useful links
- The Stipendienlotse database of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- The Stifterverband initiative
Scholarships awarded by the HDC
Financial assistance is also available from the following organisations