Deutsch Intern
  • Prof. Hasse mit einer Gruppe Studierender (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Philosophie III)
  • Tablets aus dem MEET-Labor in einer Ladestation (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Schulpädadgogik)
  • Bilder aus dem Kino- und Tonstudiolabor (Fotos: Professur für Medien- und Wirtschaftskommunikation)
  • Das Methodenlabor der Soziologie (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Methoden der Quantitativen Empirischen Sozialforschung)
Faculty of Human Sciences


The Faculty of Human Sciences is delivering excellence in research. The Faculty’s monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary research investigates the human being from a historical, systematic and empirical point of view. (The Faculty’s mission statement)

Qualification programme (QP)

This programme equips doctoral researchers from the disciplines covered by the Faculty with additional skills.

Doctoral training

The Faculty of Human Sciences confers Dr. phil. degrees as well as, upon request, Dr. rer. nat., Dr. rer. soc., Dr. rer. pol. and Dr. Sportwiss. degrees (in selected fields only).

Human Dynamics Centre (HDC)

An interdisciplinary think tank that aims to bring researchers together and foster their work. The HDC relates the knowledge and expertise that is available at the Faculty to current and traditional fields of research.

Gender equality | promotion of opportunities for women

The Faculty is a strong advocate for gender equality. It is committed to helping all of its members - whether they are male, female or non-binary - unlock their full academic potential.


Faculty logo


The process of Habilitation gives highly qualified early career researchers the opportunity to obtain eligibility for a professorship under the guidance of a mentoring committee.

Photo of the ‘Beatrice-Edgell-Weg’ street sign (photo: Faculty)

Excellence in research awards

Each year, the Faculty gives out awards to early career researchers who are delivering excellent research.


Our Institutes and their research activities

The links below will take you to the web pages that describe the research activities of our Institutes. They do not provide detailed information about the research conducted at individual Chairs or Professorships.