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Junior Professorship for Islam/Arabic Studies

Perspectives, Qualifications und Skills

The career fields for graduates of the Bachelor programm "Diversity, Ethics and Religions" is as diverse as the content of the curriculum. Our future graduates acquire an academic backround which links cultural diversity, public ethics and religious pluralism, of which all three impact our democratic and pluralistic society. Due to their intercultural competence, their theoretical knowledge of ethical and religious matters as well as their communication and language skills, graduates are highly appreciated and asked for in many fields. They have the choice of working in either public or private institutions. There are many career fields in which they can expand the future of their career:

  • Journalism: Graduates can work in editorial environments for example radio, television or in press and communication departments.
  • Political consultation: Graduates can work as political consultants for matters pertaining to ethics, religious values and diversity for associations, foundations or political partys.
  • Education: Graduates can find diverse work oppurtunities in the field of formal and nonformal youth and adult education, for example through offering workshops on value formation processes in pluralistic contexts.
  • Interreligious dialogue: Graduates can conduct interreligious programs and initiatives in communal or religious contexts such as synagogues, mosques and churches. 
  • Culture and Event Management: Whether as part of communal cultural work, cultural institutions or in companies graduates are able to plan cultural events and festivals. They can also develop sensitization concepts and lead sensitization teams.
  • Public Service: Graduates develop diversity programs and take over tasks of diversity promotion and mediation as part of communal cultural administations.
  • Academic Career: Universities as well as research institutes offer perspectives for graduates. Graduates should consider a subsequent Master and a doctorate. Possible programs are Masters in Diversity Studies (Würzburg), Public Ethics (Bamberg), Philosophy, Comparative Religious Sciences, Jewish Studies, Islamic Studies, Theology, Culture Sciences...

The Program allows You:

  • to deeply explore the vibrant intellectual history of different religious/intellectual traditions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam as well as secular perspectives
  • to investigate the complex historical experience and entanglements between the different religious thoughts  
  • To choose one pathway to delve deeply into one religious tradition such as Islam or Judaism
  • to grasp the relationship between religion and politics and society at large both in medieval and modern times.