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Junior Professorship for Islam/Arabic Studies

Bachelor Programme in Diversity, Ethics, and Religions

Studying Diversity, Ethics and Religions - Your future at the JMU!

You're interested in Diversity, Ethics and Religions? Then you've come to the right place! In our new english instructed Bachelor program we'll show You how to shape an inclusive Future. The program is the first of it's kind in Germany.

What awaits you in Würzburg

The new Bachelor's degree in Diversity, Ethics, and Religions at the University of Würzburg is an interdisciplinary program in religious studies in English (180 Ects) uniquely designed to attend to the urgent concern of living together in a complex global context. Therefore, our program embraces a global approach to closely engage with various religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and philosophical standpoints. The course takes ethics and philosophy as a gateway to understanding the role of religious tradition in shaping perceptions of oneself and others.

5 Good Reasons to study Diversity, Ethics and Religions in Würzburg


  1. You'll be a part of the solution of one of the most pressing challenges of our time

  2. You study in English while also learning either Arabic or Hebrew

  3. You profit from the unique link throughout Germany between Religious Sciences, Philosophy and History

  4. We offer You excellent supervision and a supportive environment from our international renowned teaching members

  5. You get to study where others go on vacation

Enroll now!

Course Structure and Program

Enrollment Information

Perspectives of the Program

Studying Diversity, Ethics and Religions offers You diverse oppurtunities to expand your knowledge on various cultures and your capabilites in answering complex ethical questions. Inform yourself about perspectives, qualifications und skills if You want to know more about your career prospects after finishing the program.

Still unsure? Then contact our Academic Advisor!

Prof. Frederek Musall
Dana Daymond

Jewish Studies/ Religious Sciences

Phone: +49 931/ 31 85 047 und  +49 931/ 31 86 042