Online Tutorial
The following online tutorials have been developed within the ERASMUS+ strategic partnership COMPALL (2015-2018). INTALL is the follow-up project.
Below seven parts for the online tutorial are provided, which should help to prepare for the first week of the Winter School. All seven parts are organized in a self-directed learning mode and follow a different structure. Please work step by step (from left to right) on each part.
Authors: Prof. Vanna Boffo, Dr. Gaia Gioli, Carlo Terzaroli, Nicoletta Tomei - University of Florence
Please search and read the document about "National Policy or Law on Adult Education" in your country.
Please read the following text afterwards:
Lima, Licínio C.; Guimarães, P. & Touma, N. (2016). Adult learning and education policies in Germany, Portugal and Sweden: an analysis of national reports to CONFINTEA VI. In R. Egetenmeyer (Ed.), Adult education and lifelong learning in Europe and beyond: Comparative perspectives from the 2015 Würzburg Winter School
Authors: Prof. Paula Guimarães, Catarina Doutor, Prof. Licínio C. Lima - University of Lisbon
Please read the following text afterwards:
- Commission of the European Communities (2000). A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning. Commission Staff Working Paper. Brussels, 30.10.2000 (SEC2000 1832)
- EU Council (2011). Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning. Brussel, 20.12.2011 (C 372/1-6)
Authors: Prof. Sabine Schmidt - Lauff, Jan Schiller - Helmut Schmidt University
Please read the following text afterwards:
Join the Online Disscusion with Prof. Paula Guimaraes:
Former Discussions:
- 23th November 2020, 4-6 pm (CET)
- 25th November 2019, 11 am (CET) or 2 pm (CET)
- 12th November 2018, 10 am (CET) or 4 pm (CET)
- 11th December 2017, 10 am (CET) or 14th December 2017, 6 pm (CET)
Join the Online Discussion with Prof. Balazs Németh:
Former Discussions:
- 30th November 2020, 4-6 pm (CET)
- 2nd December 2019, 11 am (CET) or 2 pm (CET)
- 10th December 2018, 10 am (CET) or 4 pm (CET)
- 27th November 2017, 10 am (CET) or 20th November 2017, 1 pm (CET)
Author: Prof. Balázs Németh - University of Pécs
Author: Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer - University of Würzburg
Please read the following text afterwards:
- Clover, D. E., & Bell, L. (2013). Contemporary adult education philosophies and practices in art galleries and museums in Canada and the UK. Adult Learner: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, 1 (1), Pp. 29-43.
Authors: Dr. Monica Fedeli, Concetta Tino, Daniela Frison - University of Padua

Authors: Prof. Vanna Boffo, Dr. Gaia Giolo, Carlo Terzaroli, Nicoletta Tomei - University of Florence