Tim Gollasch
M. A., M. Phil. Tim Gollasch
Full member: January 2010 - December 2012
Dissertation title: Thinking and Feeling: Forms of Cognitive Relations to the World and the One Reality.
Abstract: Terms like »perception«, »thinking«, »knowledge«, »individual« or »nature« raise fundamental problems in philosophy as well as in other scientific disciplines. Referring to these terms and their definitions, one must be aware that one is thus trying to describe what reality is, since these terms specify comprehensively and in principle the (possible) objects of human reality as well as the aspects of their constitution.
We must assume that a reality-related meaning of these terms and definitions is already known before any research on it even starts, making this a decisive factor for the scientific research process. Accordingly, the criteria of definition and the sources of this meaning need to be established in great detail.
Thus, the project is dedicated to work out critically certain patterns of definitions and understandings of reality by referring to modern and ancient concepts of knowledge, to reveal misunderstandings and to clarify if the identification of reality can be accorded a status of generality. Considering contingent factors and the variability in understanding reality, the question is hence if there is an indispensable unity in referring to reality.
This meta-scientific work leads to specific questions concerning the problem of emotions. For the identification of the nature of emotions, the forms of ascertainment of reality, being mentally and bodily involved in situations, and, in general the relation of man to his world, are all constitutive. Therefore, the clarification of these comprehensive terms and conditions must necessarily precede any answer about what emotions are. Likewise the important relation between conscious and unconscious thinking –essential for one’s self-conception- as well as this systematic separation itself must be revisited here.
Principal investigators:
Current position:
Department of Philosophy I, Institute of Philosophy, University of Würzburg
Josef-Stangl-Platz 2, 97070 Würzburg
Gollasch, Tim (2010): Wahlfreiheit bei Platon. Zum Verständnis von Mythos, Freiheit und Erkenntnis am Beispiel des Loswahlmythos der Politeia. In: Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Bd. 36. Hrsg. v. Georges Goedert u. Martina Scherbel. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 363-388.
Gollasch, Tim (2011): "Adieu Welt"?. Die vermeintliche Abkehr vom Diesseits in der Barocklyrik. In: Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Bd. 37. Hrsg. v. Georges Goedert u. Martina Scherbel. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 311-340.
Gollasch, Tim (2012): Die pyrrhonische Skepsis als unterschätzte Grundlage philosophischer Theoriebildung. In: Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Bd. 38. Hrsg. v. Georges Goedert u. Martina Scherbel. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 153-185.
Gollasch, Tim (2013): Das Kind im Manne. Platons Bewertung der Leiblichkeit im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung der Seele. In: Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Bd. 39. Hrsg. v. Georges Goedert u. Martina Scherbel. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 131-154.