Deutsch Intern
    Research Training Group RTG 1253/2 (Emotions)

    Dr. Johannes Schick

    Full member: January 2007 - December 2009

    Dissertation title: Intuition und Emotion in der Philosophie Henri Bergsons.
    Abstract: The concept emotion plays an important role in the philosophy of Henri Bergson, although it is still a rather underdeveloped field of research. The aim of this project is to establish a full understanding of this concept and to confront it with the phenomenological tradition. The philosophy of Bergson will be examined in its historical perspective and with respect to its influence on i.e. phenomenology in France. Out of this more historical focus the systematic question regarding the applicability of the bergsonian theory within the contemporary scientific landscape will be asked. The systematic aim of this project is to establish a basis for meta-theoretical questions that examine the borderlines of each science as well as the implicit presuppositions of Bergson's philosophy itself.

    Principal investigators:

    Prof. Karl-Heinz Lembeck
    Department of Philosophy I, Josef-Stangl-Platz 2, 97070 Würzburg

    Prof. Karl Mertens
    Department of Philosophy II, Residenzplatz Südflügel, 97070 Würzburg

    Prof. Lembeck
    Prof. Mertens


    SCHICK, J., The idea of perfection and the lumen intellegibile, in: BOIADJIEV, T./KAPRIEV, G./SPEER, A. (Hrsg), Archiv für mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur, Heft VIII, Sofia: 2002.
    SCHICK, J., Neues Licht auf alte Fragen – Anachronismen und ihre Bedeutung für ein zukünftiges Philosophieren, in: Lingua ac Communitas Nr. 12,Warszawa/Poznan: 2002.
    SCHICK, J., Das gespaltene Subjekt und seine Identität: Hypostasis – die byzantinische Unterscheidung bei Emmanuel Levinas, in: BOIADJIEV, T./KAPRIEV, G./SPEER, A. (Hrsg.), Archiv für mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur, Heft XII, Sofia: 2006.
    SCHICK J.F.M., Erlebte Wirklichkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Intuition zu Emotion bei Henri Bergson. LIT Verlag, Münster: 2012

    TV broadcast:

    Dokumentation. Philosophie: Intuition. ARTE, 30.5.2010, 13.30 - 14 Uhr.

    Current position:

    Department of Philosophy I, Josef-Stangl-Platz 2, 97070 Würzburg