Deutsch Intern

COMPALL Partner Meeting in Padua

Foto: Regina Egetenmeyer, Würzburg

On the 4th and 5th of December 2017, the COMPALL partnership met for their fifth project meeting at University of Padua, Italy. In total, 15 colleagues from the partner universities took part in the meeting.

The meeting focused on one hand, on the organisation of the upcoming Winter School 2018 along with the planned Multiplier Event, the implementation and further development of the online tutorials as well as the pending book publications.  On the other hand, the partners discussed their needs and interests for the project extension application in March 2018. Beside the very effective and intense discussions, the consortium also participated in a guided tour of Palazzo Bo, the historical seat of the University of Padua.

In this regard, we would like to thank you the University of Padua for their great hospitality and all participants for their great engagement in the meeting. The outcomes of the two days represent the high quality of the project and point towards a positive future of COMPALL.
