Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Human Sciences

News archive

Notice: Attachments, pictures etc. may have been removed on old news articles. Articles are also just available in german.

Do I Buy or Not?

Shopping trolleys

Würzburg psychologists have studied the phenomenon of impulse buying behaviour. People who focus on enjoyment act differently than people who play it safe.

Different people in different jobs

What are citizens' attitudes towards the state? How does this influence their willingness to pay taxes? An interdisciplinary research team, funded with 1.5 million euros, is investigating these questions.

Fear in an airplane – it would be smaller if someone else was sitting next to you...

In uncanny situations, the mere presence of an unknown person can have a calming effect. This is shown in a study by a team of Würzburg scientists who do research on anxiety disorders.

Professor Raymond Mar

He received a prestigious award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Now professor Raymond Mar will spend time at the University of Würzburg to do joint research with two professors at the Faculty of Human Sciences.

With this technical equipment, Dr. Barbara Händel (l.) investigates how movement affects the processing of visual stimuli.

When people walk around, they process visual information differently than at rest: the peripheral visual field shows enhanced processing. This is what neuroscientists in Würzburg have discovered.

Marc Erich Latoschik and Carolin Wienrich in the lab where 120 cameras take multiple shots of a person to create an authentic avatar.

New therapies against excessive weight: A collaborative project led by the University of Würzburg develops virtual reality methods to positively affect the body perception of obese patients.
